Time digital PET-CT with LySO digital PET detector and 160-slice CT scanner is the best equipment available on the market with high sensitivity and spatial resolution.
The patient’s radiation exposure is reduced by 70%.
Smaller lesions can be detected, which allows for early diagnosis.
A whole-body PET-CT scan can be done in just 4 minutes.
A one-stop shop for cardiac imaging and analysis, including CT coronary angio, which is of paramount importance, especially in follow-up, even after conventional coronary angiogram.
Extremely useful in the differentiation of recurrence and necrosis after surgery in brain tumours.
Provides valuable information on other neurological diseases, such as epilepsy and dementia.
Accurate quantification of standard uptake values (SUV), metabolic tumour volume (MTV) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) provide precise information in staging and restaging cancer.
Quantification is useful in treatment response evaluation in general and targeted cancer therapies.
In addition to traditional 18F-FDG imaging, new agents such as 68 Gallium PSMA, 68 Gallium DOTANOC, and 68 Gallium FAPI are used to diagnose and plan targeted lutetium therapy.